Vocational training

The project aimed to construct a vocational training college to enable French GSCE holders (boys and girls) to access professional training. The project’s main goal was for the students to acquire a profession and to earn a living in the region, in a variety of fields (agriculture, sewing, livestock breeding, computing, masonry and secretarial skills). The college was to be built in the same grounds as the school so as to benefit from the existing infrastructure.

The construction and finishing touches to the vocational training college were completed in 2013. In addition to the classrooms, the centre also housed an infirmary, established following an additional request from the local authorities, a library that was immediately operational and a computer room. The opening of the school was delayed due to special requests from the local administration for additional, and costly, equipment. The required material was purchased following a subsequent fundraising effort by the association in 2015. The political crisis in October 2015 further delayed the official authorisation to open, now planned for 2016. In September 2016, 120 students will be enrolled at the centre and begin their classes in administration, accounting, structural engineering, masonry and construction, taught by seven full-time trainers.

The Swiss association La Boule de Neige was founded in 2001. It aims to cater to the needs of the inhabitants of the Kompienga region in Burkina Faso. After funding agricultural projects, it became involved in educational programs to tackle the lack of opportunities available after primary school.





July 2012 – September 2015


Kompienga province / Burkina Faso

With whom

La Boule de Neige Association

Burkina Faso

19.1 million (2017)

Per Capita Income
USD 590/year (2017)

Poverty rate *
40% (2014)

Literacy rate
35% (2016)

Human Development Index
183rd country out of 189 countries (2018)

Following the popular uprising in October 2014, Burkina Faso democratically elected, in November 2015, its first civilian president since its independence. The country’s new political stability and fiscal and budgetary reforms have led to improvements in public finances; however, it remains one of the world’s poorest countries. Sustained efforts and investments have generated positive human development trends, although access to basic services remains an important concern due to poorly developed community-based services. Despite progress in gross primary school enrolment Burkina Faso has one of the lowest literacy rates in the world. Access to secondary education remains low (13%), as is the quality of the system.

Sources: World Food Program, UNICEF, World Bank, 2016 Human Development Report, Human Development Indices and Indicators (2018 Statistical Update)

*The percentage of the population living below the national poverty line.